Tuesday 1 December 2009

Communicating Ideas Complete

Finished my communicating ideas brief on Jeff Hawkins today, create a newspaper spread. I originally found choosing a video from TED.com quite difficult as they were in-depth videos with some references I didn't understand, such as scientific meanings etc.

I did eventually decide to go with Jeff Hawkins, who created and found Palm Computing and eventually went on to study neuroscience full time. The video on TED.com talks about how brain science will one day change computing. My brief was to create a means of advertisement for TED.com through this video in an original way.

I began my research looking into puzzles and crossword books. Hawkins talks a lot about how how the brain breaks things down into puzzles and if somethings not right it automatically tries to correct it. I eventually came up with the idea of having a puzzle type advertisement in the gaming/puzzle section of a newspaper. By placing the ad here I would target the correct demograph; people who enjoy puzzles and mind games.

Flickr link to my final piece - Final spread

To start with I wanted this piece of design to be challenging to the reader. "How much can you predict?" is asking the reader can they do the dot to dot and rearrange the brain and football? Thats the simple bit; the reader then reads "intelligence and perdciontn are gained through mmorey". This sentence is deliberately spelt wrong, it gets across Hawkins' message that the brain is continuously deciphering puzzles, even it is a simple spelling mistake (deliberate mistake). My aim was to gain the readers interest, thus linking to the video and further TED.com.

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