Friday 13 November 2009

London trip - Paula Scher

Was really debating going on the trip yesterday morning, feeling rough with a cold. Honestly, I feel that the trip was a waste of time for myself. We missioned it round London in the pouring rain and didn't really gain much from the V&A.

Dropped into Covent Garden and went to the London Graphic Centre, which is heaven for any designer or artist. After that we walked back through Holborn to a stamp shop where I bought a wax letter sealing kit for my Business identity project. Think I can get a good effect on the letter head and business card.

Finally got to Logan Hall for the Paula Scher lecture at around 7pm. Paula Scher explained her opinions on being yourself when in the design world. The fact that she not only thought outside the box, but pursued her creativity and broke rules.
Her map illustrations were fascinating; they were very free hand and rebellious. She spoke about missing entire states out when creating north America.
Other work that was great included one of her recent projects, Bloomberg. The giant numbers on each floor and the split LED screen streaming stock information around the building were great.

Don't get me wrong I had a good day, but I would rather have been getting on top of my work for the hand in next week! Plus the LEA live brief has to be done! Tough Times!

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