Thursday, 22 October 2009

New From Old

This project consists of researching and rebranding a redundant product. The choices of product are: Tapioca, lard, mushy peas, rice pudding, fondou, tinned pies, luncheon meat and tinned vegetables.

The new context for the item may be in contradiction to its origins (a cheap object may be re-marketed as collectable and expensive) or you may wish to build on the established identity. You should show a clear knowledge of the object and its history as well as its competitors, old and new.

The final designs will be presented as a paper based marquette, thought this should be supplemented by further plans, especially in the case of more detailed and complex objects. Through this process we should consider all aspects of the packaging, from logotypes to materials (sustainability being the key issue).

So far in the project I've decided to go with tinned pies. I've been researching different pies sold in supermarkets; from fresh pies to Fray Bentos tinned pies. I managed to take some good photos from a handful of supermarkets for my research.

This is one of my initial design:

I'm going to start looking at some traditional ale bottles and the design on pub bill boards. From tutorials I've been advised to look more at my target audience and consider there views and requirements.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Live Briefs

This year we must be finding live briefs and if possible work experience as much as possible. I've just finished a live brief which I began at the end of the summer, (Online Kids Therapy).

I understand how important it is to get involved in live briefs on top of uni work from experience I gained during the "Online Kids Therapy" brief.

Time management is vital when getting involved in these live briefs; to be able to juggle uni as well. Hopefully I'll be getting some more live briefs during this, my second year.

Logo Design - Finished (work experience)

Finally complete!

Really happy with how the final logo and website are looking. I had done some research before I had begun the project and couldn't find any child therapy websites as aesthetically pleasing or even a similar service. Hopefully the client can now take her new business on head first.

The over communication in the project was not something I had done before. I was only ever communicating via email and the odd telephone call. I found this quite difficult at times as I would create a design in Photoshop and send it to the client, only to have an email back saying they wanted something different. I have learnt that both ends of the project need to be very clear and have an understanding between each other. This is something I have had a brief insight to when I was on my work experience at the end of the first year. Communication is vital!

I personally feel what took 4-5 weeks to finalise and have running could easily have been done in just 1 week if all parts of the project were together. But this is not the way things run in industry, it's just not that easy. I'm glad I initially took on this small job, it's taught me small, but important factors to working in industry.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Business Identity - George Eliot/aka Mary Anne Evans

Straight after presenting our thank you ideas we were briefed on our new task -

Business Identity

We all had choose a name from a hat and devise a set of Business Stationary. The assumed style and presentation should clearly reflect your understanding of that person, and what is unique and special about them. The style of the stationary can be transposed to a contemporary feel, or can utilise the style of the time, but should at its core reflect the individual.

You will create -
  • Business card
  • Letterhead
  • Compliment slip
So far I have done some initial research into my person (George Eliot, aka Mary Anne Evans) and business stationary. I've taken out books on corporate identity, novels written by George Eliot and luckily found a biography on the life of George Eliot.

Thank You - First Task

In this first section of this unit we have the opportunity to say thank you to someone. Foremost we must consider who we want to say thank you to and why, then consider the most appropriate visual means to communicate this technically, and in relation to the message. These considerations should clearly address -
  • Language (visual & written)
  • Tone
  • Context
  • Process and methods of production
So far I have chosen who I want to say thank you too; and thats my parents for getting me a car. I have also created my first idea which is a fold up paper car that I would give to my parents for THEIR car, it would also have thank message inside.

I have also expanded on that first idea, in creating a stop frame animation and Adobe Flash. I want it to have a humorous side to the thank, as I know my parents would appreciate that.

We had been given one week for the first task in the unit, before we had to present to the tutors and other students. I felt my presentation went well and I gained some constructive criticism to help expand my ideas further. My presenting skills and confidence have with out a doubt grown since day one at Uni. I think presenting to a room full of unknown faces in the first week helped settle my nerves. And ever since then I feel I'm getting better.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

2nd Year!

Second day of my second year today and I still can't believe how quickly it's gone. We have been given our first brief of the year -

Visual Communication in Context 2
  • This unit aims to extend existing knowledge and understanding of the disciplines within the design industry relating to identification and representation.
  • In order to realise the links between theory and practice, we will be introduced to the subject through historical backgrounds, semiotics and commercial practices.
  • Will explore the relationship between concept and style in relation to marketing and branded merchandise.
  • Through a range of practical projects we will strive to produce innovative and creative solutions to problems for print or screen using a range of materials and media, both traditional and digital. Will be encouraged to present work to the highest professional standards and to engage in critical debate.
  • Will undertake an individual or team-based programme of work set by tutors or professionals or may undertake your own projects.
Task Outlines
Thank You

Business Identity

New From Old

Communicating Ideas

Expectations this year are massive from both tutors and myself. Work standards need to be increased, the work amount feels like it's doubled already and we haven't been back a week yet!
Saying all this doesn't sound too optimistic, but I am. I'm looking forward to the challenge of hard work, a different syllabus, the end of year show and meeting my targets I set myself at the end of the 1st year PPRD.