Monday, 12 October 2009

Thank You - First Task

In this first section of this unit we have the opportunity to say thank you to someone. Foremost we must consider who we want to say thank you to and why, then consider the most appropriate visual means to communicate this technically, and in relation to the message. These considerations should clearly address -
  • Language (visual & written)
  • Tone
  • Context
  • Process and methods of production
So far I have chosen who I want to say thank you too; and thats my parents for getting me a car. I have also created my first idea which is a fold up paper car that I would give to my parents for THEIR car, it would also have thank message inside.

I have also expanded on that first idea, in creating a stop frame animation and Adobe Flash. I want it to have a humorous side to the thank, as I know my parents would appreciate that.

We had been given one week for the first task in the unit, before we had to present to the tutors and other students. I felt my presentation went well and I gained some constructive criticism to help expand my ideas further. My presenting skills and confidence have with out a doubt grown since day one at Uni. I think presenting to a room full of unknown faces in the first week helped settle my nerves. And ever since then I feel I'm getting better.

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