Really happy with how the final logo and website are looking. I had done some research before I had begun the project and couldn't find any child therapy websites as aesthetically pleasing or even a similar service. Hopefully the client can now take her new business on head first.
The over communication in the project was not something I had done before. I was only ever communicating via email and the odd telephone call. I found this quite difficult at times as I would create a design in Photoshop and send it to the client, only to have an email back saying they wanted something different. I have learnt that both ends of the project need to be very clear and have an understanding between each other. This is something I have had a brief insight to when I was on my work experience at the end of the first year. Communication is vital!
I personally feel what took 4-5 weeks to finalise and have running could easily have been done in just 1 week if all parts of the project were together. But this is not the way things run in industry, it's just not that easy. I'm glad I initially took on this small job, it's taught me small, but important factors to working in industry.
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