Thursday, 16 April 2009

Third Day - Work Experience

Started today where I finished yesterday. Carried on with the designs for the front cover; had more images to work with today. Have been been asked to include a mix of ethnic people into the design as well as a person in a wheel chair. This clearly is to brand the college open to all races, colours and abilities. My research began on image bank websites such as iStockPhoto.

Just after lunch I presented a few cover ideas to John and Mark. They gave constructive criticism to the designs before giving me a more in depth idea to what they wanted to see. They wanted to experiment with the colour scheme more openly and use stronger imagery.
We were struggling with the small sized images of the college from google and needed larger ones. Toward the end of the day I suggested I could get the tube to the college in Debden(central line) and gather better images of the front of the main building. John and Mark were both happy with the idea, and it was agreed I would be in for lunch time tomorrow(friday).

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